Saturday, December 7, 2019

Future of Indian Subcontinent & South Asian Countries after Imran, Modi & Xi Took Over

Future of Indian Subcontinent and South Asian Countries after Imran, Modi & Xi is although unpredictable yet one can imagine as how will time take it's own course over the next one decade in the region. A lot has happened in the past 5 years ever since new regimes have taken over in India, Pakistan & China. 

As far as Pakistan is concerned, it is a wide spread narrative that current regime of Pakistan is being supported, influenced & driven by the Pakistani Army & his ISI Leaders. Pakisan is a declared Islamic State and runs it's affairs as per Islamic Code of Conduct, known as Shariyat.
In the same era Narendra Modi (The BJP) took over as Prime Minister of India, that has changed India' perspective In & Out globally. Everyone in India has no doubt over BJP alliance with The RSS a Hindu Nationalist Organization who rejects the idea of diverse India and preaches it as a One Nation. The RSS is the primary force in converting it's followers into votes during electoral process that happens on the soil of India, thus it has  a direct say in the decisions that India's current Government takes.  
For China, Xi Jinping has been reappointed as President for as long as he wants to serve. China has been shifting it's narrative from being a communist to turning into a capitalist nation. China is widely known as a colonizer as it invests money in other countries just to put those nations under heavy debt.   
All the three nations mentioned above have been facing " Civil War" like situations for the last one decade. India & Pakistan have been struggling tooth and nail to match their pace with the evolution of World's economy thus facing tremendous pressure from inside and outside their borders. 
India as a country doesn't go well with the Govt. of Pakistan, and keeps a safe distance from China. While Chinese Govt. is more inclined toward Pakistan due to its OROB Projects that connects China to Arabian Sea and Mid-Europe. China has been a known friend* of Pakistan that prevents India from going tough against Pakistan. However, there have been tussles from multiple fronts Between these three countries to maintain their position in South Asia. Taliban in Afganistan have been a deciding factor ever since US has announced departure of it's troops from the soil of Afganistan. With each day passes, tension is rising on Indo-Pak and Indo-China borders which can turn into a full war very soon if this continues.

The fourth player in this game is Russia who is trying to reestablish it's relations with Pakistan this time with a batter managed way. Lately there has been a news being spread about Moscow's Russia-Pakstan Bank which will be a massive development in the region's geo-politics. As Russia is a known friend of India once upon a time is now shifting it's policy from being opponent to a neutral one for Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Also Russia has recently roped in the scene as Russian Govt has announced to set up a " Reliable and mutually acceptable banking system", which strongly hints at desire to improve it's commercial trade ties with the Islamabad in order to lay the basis for N-CPEC+. Russia is also eyeing on the same and wanted to be a part of the Natural Gas buying players in the region, following which Russia has also laid down a pipeline via Serbia known as Power of Serbia that flows LNG into China's eastern side.
As per Global Research, Iran is also going to play a pivot role in near future, since China is trying to bring Iran on board of CPEC with adding an E(E-CPEC) through which it aspires to offer the LNG Supply to China through land route. Iran has always been a loyal friend to India, however since US has sanctioned Iran and directed India to cut down it's oil import from the Persian Regime, it has made India irrelevant in Gulf Sea.

To conclude, this whole scene of new Geo-politics will decide the fate of South Asia in the next 10-15 years. We will see very strange development taking place over the next decade. 
